The Journal is a place to share stories, practices, guides, inspiration, interviews, and insights.
Join us as we bring our attention to community, culture, seasonality, and the intersection of good design and human experience.
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A massive amount of research and testing went into designing the Wood Burning Hot Tub, and it was essential to find the perfect partner to help us craft them. Explore a behind-the-scenes look at our production studio.
GARDEN HOSES & accessories
The world of garden hoses can be technical and complex. Whether you’re researching a new garden hose or adding to your collection of hose accessories, discover a few key terms to know and look out for.
Where to Try a Wood Burning Hot Tub
Whether it’s in GOODLAND’s home in the fern-filled forests of Bowen Island in British Columbia, the middle of the Southern California desert, or at a...
Designing a Permeable Landscape
Molly Sedlacek is the founder and principal designer behind ORCA—a landscape design and outdoor design studio. ORCA’s mission is to use plants and natural materials...
A Bathing Guide to NYC
New York City—the legendary land of the teeny tiny tub. Whether you’re looking for a quiet, luxurious afternoon of pampering, or prefer to schvitz next to...
Interview: HAVN Saunas
Luckily, immersive experiences that bring you closer to nature in an urban environment aren’t a myth. As we welcome the warmth of spring in the...
Interview: Jobi Manson of Sēfari
Whether in her California home or while traveling, Jobi Manson's connection to water and the elements is eternally at the forefront. An artist, sculptor, and...
How Trees Can Teach Us Mindful Design
More than any other natural thing, trees have always provided material and inspiration for building, for art, and for the way we see the world. In...
Interview: Storyteller & Author Lindsey Bro
In this interview, we speak with writer and storyteller Lindsey Bro has always been curious about the things that we as humans are drawn to...
Honouring Time: Hideaway Creative on Blending Work and Life
Time is something we constantly seek out in our search for rest—and how we spend our time is often a tug-of-war between work and life....
Interview: Andrew & Tania of Sungold Market Garden
With a beautiful organic farm and flower business, Andrew and Tania are inspiring examples of a considered life that’s lived slow and in touch with...